Preussen -
с блокадой перепутал даты, она была раньше (не хотел! исправлюсь!)
Про ангар тоже я с@#$л, sorry. Где-то слышал такое, ну да ладно.
А теперь где я прав - $$$ в СССР не было, без неё иHдустрию не поднять. И Кан не был филантропом, но он действительно хотел помочь СССР. Кстати, он убедил прав. США помочь СССР, т.к считал, что голодная и большая страна опасна для мира.
СССР платил за помощь долларами. Где брал? И вот тут я не соврал.
“Already a seasoned collector of French decorative arts, Post became a pioneer collector of Russian art while living in the Soviet Union with her third husband, ambassador to the Soviet Union Joseph E. Davies, in the 1930s. Finding the imperial porcelain, silver, enamels, and glass perfectly suited to her taste for the beautiful and finely crafted, Post laid the foundation for a lifetime of collecting—ultimately assembling the largest collection of Russian imperial art outside of Russia.”
“From the 1920s, the Soviet Union had been selling off many of the art treasures it had confiscated from the church, the imperial family, and the aristocracy in an effort to fund the new government’s industrialization plan. American businessman Armand Hammer and his brother Victor acquired enormous numbers of these Russian treasures and, in the early 1930s, began to sell them in American department stores and later in their New York gallery. As a result, the state-sponsored sales in the Soviet Union were winding down as the Davies arrived. Surprising discoveries were still to be found, however, and Post purchased a number of porcelain, silver, enameled, and liturgical objects. She recalled in later years finding silver chalices tarnished beyond recognition,
being sold by weight, and heaps of church vestments in the neglected back rooms of commission shops and state storerooms.” Я был в этом музее. Кол-во царской посуды там такое, что, как гид сказал, если 12 человек будут обедать 365 дней в году, то посуду мыть не надо будет. Продавалась посуда за 12 центов за кг и картины за 8 центов за кв. фут. (или дм).
Теперь о тракторе. Кан помог построить Сталинградский тракторный со станками из США и Германии. Копировали International Harvester 15/30 трактор.
“The tractor factory at Stalingrad was the first tractor plan to be designed and equipped by Americans. The Soviets selected the site in 1926 and started work, but little was accomplish until 1929, when American technical assistance arrived. The plant was designed by Albert Kahn ...American companies provided the equipment, including Rockwell, Niagara, Westinghouse....
The plant made copies of the International Harvester 15/30 tractor Приношу своё извинение за ошибки и неточности в моём комменте этажом выше.