Цитата, q
ой звездят , ой звездят . особенно доставило про живучесть , емнип пару лет назад была статья про "живучесть" арджуна . а по факту арджун это недолерпард2 .
1). Первые испытания:
The Arjun faced persistent problems of overheating and that "tank’s main subsystems, the fire control system (FCS), the suspension system, integrated gunner’s main sight, which includes a thermal imager and laser range-finder, which were rendered erratic and useless by the abnormally high peak internal temperature of beyond 55 °C in India.
2). Учения "Ашвамедха" в пустынях Раджастана в 2007:
The army cited several deficiencies that included "deficient fire control system", "inaccuracy of its guns", "low speeds in tactical areas" and persistent "inability to operate in temperatures over 50 degrees Celsius".
3). Зимние испытания в 2007м:
Indian army deemed Arjun's performance unsatisfactory, including at least four engine failures leading the DRDO to suggest that the unsatisfactory performance of the engine during the winter trials was due to sabotage.
4). С сентября 2007ого по лето 2008 учения The Auxiliary User Cum Reliability Trials (AUCRT)
The Army reported that during the "accelerated user-cum-reliability trials", the Arjun "was found to have failure of power packs, low accuracy and consistency, failure of hydropneumatic suspension units, shearing of top rollers and chipping of gun barrels"
5) А вот зато по секретным результатам сравнения с Т90 - Арджун победитель, причем как раз в тех "номинациях", где до этого был стабильный провал.